RFC295 日本語訳

0295 Report of the Protocol Workshop, 12 October 1971. J. Postel. January 1972. (Format: TXT=5432 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

NWG/RFC #295                             JBP 2-JAN-72 15:35  8355
Protocol Workshop Report

NWG/RFC#295JBP2 1月の72 15: 35 8355プロトコルワークショップレポート

Report of the Protocol Workshop


   12 October, 1971


   By Jon Postel.




   This is a report on the decisions reached at the protocol workshop
   held in conjunction with the Network Working Group meeting held in
   Cambridge from 10 to 14 October, 1971.


   The workshop addressed itself to protocols of four types: IMP-Host,
   Host-Host, Initial Connection, and Process-Process.

ワークショップは4つのタイプのプロトコルに話しかけました: 悪童ホスト、ホスト兼ホストは接続、およびプロセスプロセスに頭文字をつけます。

IMP-Host Protocol


   The idea of IMP provided status reports to be exchanged via new
   IMP-Host protocol messages was discussed and rejected because it was
   felt that the level of state information which could be reported was
   not sufficient to be worth the trouble of implementing this mechanism.


Host-Host Protocol


   The Host-Host Protocol was discussed and several problems were brought
   to light, among them were the following listed together with the
   group's recommendations.


      The GVB - RET mechanism may prove useful sometime in the
      future so it will be retained though no one appears to be
      using it now, however spontaneous RET commands are
      explicitly prohibited.


      The ECO - ERP commands are useful and should be supported,
      but spontaneous ERP commands are explicitly prohibited.  A
      further restriction is that a second ECO will not be sent
      until the first ECO has been answered.  Note that any of
      the following may be an answer to an ECO: ERP, RST,
      "Destination dead", or "Incomplete Transmission".

ECO--ERPコマンドは、役に立って、サポートされるべきですが、自然発生的なERPコマンドは明らかに禁止されています。 さらなる制限は最初のECOが答えられるまで第2のECOが送られないということです。 ↓これのどれかがECOの答えであるかもしれないことに注意してください: ERP、RST、「目的地死者」、または「不完全なトランスミッション。」

      The RST - RRP commands are useful, but the proper use of
      these commands for determining the status of host software
      is still open for discussion (please direct comments to Jon
      Postel), however spontaneous RRP commands are explicitly


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Protocol Workshop Report

[1ページ]NWG/RFC#295JBP2 1月の72 15: 35 8355プロトコルワークショップレポート

   The problem of unmatched CLS commands are discussed and four
   "solutions" were proposed:


      Hold forever


      Send a RST and clear the entry


      Clear the entry and possibly mess up a future connection


      Assign socket numbers in a sequential fashion to reduce
      the possibility of confusion and clear the entry.


   Note that the first two suggestions follow the protocol while the last
   two do not.


   The idea of flow control on the control link was suggested.  A Request
   for Comments is to be prepared exploring this idea more fully.

コントロールリンクの上のフロー制御の考えは示されました。 CommentsのためのRequestは、この考えをより完全に探りながら、準備されていることになっています。

   The usefulness of the ERR command is compromised if the receiver
   mearly throws it out.  Thus ERR's are to be logged, if at all
   possible, and checked out with the sending site.

受信機がmearlyにそれを放り出すなら、ERRコマンドの有用性は感染されます。 したがって、ERRのものは、できれば、登録されて、送付サイトで調べられることになっています。

   The NCP document should make clear the implications of queueing or not
   queueing STR & RTS commands.


Initial Connection Protocol


   The Initial Connection Protocol (ICP) was discussed and found to be
   satisfactory however the following points were stressed:

Initial Connectionプロトコル(ICP)は、以下のポイントがどのように強調されたとしても満足できるのが議論して、わかりました:

     The socket number sent by the logger (S) must be in
     agreement with the socket numbers used in the STR & RTS
     sent by the logger.


     The implications of queueing or not queueing of RTS & STR
     commands should be made clear in the ICP document.  This is
     particularly important if the user chooses the "listen"

RTS&STRコマンドの待ち行列ではなく、待ち行列の含意がICPドキュメントで明らかにされるべきです。 ユーザが「聴いてください」というオプションを選ぶなら、これは特に重要です。

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NWG/RFC #295                             JBP 2-JAN-72 15:35  8355
   Protocol Workshop Report

[2ページ]NWG/RFC#295JBP2 1月の72 15: 35 8355プロトコルワークショップレポート

Telnet Protocol


   The Telnet committee has been reactivated to consider the following


     Clarification of the terminology half duplex, full duplex,
     character mode, line mode, ASCII, and echoing.


     Clarification of the end of line convention. Especially to
     answer the question "Should there be a special end-of-line

行末コンベンションの明確化。 特に、「特別な行末文字はそういるべきですか?」という質問に答えます。

     Clarification of the conditions for leaving Hide-your-input mode.


     Clarification of the operation of Break and Synch.


     Specification of a server-to-user Synch.


     Clarification of the definition of the Network Virtual Terminal.

Network Virtual Terminalの定義の明確化。

     Preparation of a new document defining the Telnet protocol
     with the above improvements.


The protocol workshop did agree that:


  It is the servers option for disconnection to imply logout
  or not.


  It is the servers option for logout to imply disconnection
  or not.


  Extra characters used locally to fill the time for format
  effectors to take effect should not be sent over the


  Synch means to examine the data stream from the current
  point to a data mark (x'80').  If any break type characters
  (e.g. etx, sub, Break) are found they are to have their
  normal effect.

'電流からデータ・ストリームを調べる同時性手段がデータ・マークを示す、(x80年、'、) 何か中断タイプキャラクタ(例えば、etx、潜水艦、Break)が見つけられるなら、彼らには、彼らの正常な効果があることになっています。

  Upper and lower case are to be available to all Telnet users.


Data and File Transfer Protocol


   The Data and File Transfer Committee will report separately.

DataとFile Transfer Committeeは別々に報告するでしょう。

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Protocol Workshop Report

[3ページ]NWG/RFC#295JBP2 1月の72 15: 35 8355プロトコルワークショップレポート

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
       [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
       [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]

[このRFCはエントリーのためのマシンに入れられた読み込み可能なフォームでした]、[BBN社の下によるオンラインRFCアーカイブ、][ アレックス・マッケンジーの方向。 12/96 ]

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 RFC 1〜100  RFC 1401〜1500  RFC 2801〜2900  RFC 4201〜4300 
 RFC 101〜200  RFC 1501〜1600  RFC 2901〜3000  RFC 4301〜4400 
 RFC 201〜300  RFC 1601〜1700  RFC 3001〜3100  RFC 4401〜4500 
 RFC 301〜400  RFC 1701〜1800  RFC 3101〜3200  RFC 4501〜4600 
 RFC 401〜500  RFC 1801〜1900  RFC 3201〜3300  RFC 4601〜4700 
 RFC 501〜600  RFC 1901〜2000  RFC 3301〜3400  RFC 4701〜4800 
 RFC 601〜700  RFC 2001〜2100  RFC 3401〜3500  RFC 4801〜4900 
 RFC 701〜800  RFC 2101〜2200  RFC 3501〜3600  RFC 4901〜5000 
 RFC 801〜900  RFC 2201〜2300  RFC 3601〜3700  RFC 5001〜5100 
 RFC 901〜1000  RFC 2301〜2400  RFC 3701〜3800  RFC 5101〜5200 
 RFC 1001〜1100  RFC 2401〜2500  RFC 3801〜3900  RFC 5201〜5300 
 RFC 1101〜1200  RFC 2501〜2600  RFC 3901〜4000  RFC 5301〜5400 
 RFC 1201〜1300  RFC 2601〜2700  RFC 4001〜4100  RFC 5401〜5500 
 RFC 1301〜1400  RFC 2701〜2800  RFC 4101〜4200 



