RFC229 Standard host names

0229 Standard host names. J. Postel. September 1971. (Format: TXT=3388 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0236) (Status: UNKNOWN)



Network Working Group                                         Jon Postel
Request for Comments: #229                                    UCLA-NMC
NIC 7646                                                      Computer Science
Categories: D.3                                               22 September 71
Related: #226
Obsoletes: None

                          STANDARD HOST NAMES

I suggest 8 character names and the following list:

          Site                  Standard Name              Alternate Name
          ----                  -------------              --------------
            1                     UCLA-NMC                     SEX

            65                    UCLA-CCN                     CCN

            2                     SRI-ARC                      NIC

            66                    SRI-AI

            3                     UCSB

            4                     UTAH

            5                     BBN-NCC                      NCC

            69                    BBN-A                        BBN

            133                   BBN-B

            6                     MIT-MLTX                     MULTICS

            70                    MIT-DMCG                     DMCG

            7                     RAND-65

            71                    RAND-10

            8                     SDC

            9                     HARV

            73                    HARV-1

            137                   HARV-11

                                                                [Page 1]

Network Working Group                                         Jon Postel
Request for Comments: #229                                    22 September 71

          Site                  Standard Name
          ----                  -------------
            10                    LL-67

            74                    LL-TX2

            11                    STAN

            12                    ILL

            13                    CASE

            14                    CMU

            15                    BUROUGHS

            16                    AMES-67

            144                   AMES-TIP

            145                   MITRE

            18                    RADC

            146                   RADC-TIP

            19                    NBS

            147                   NBS-TIP

            148                   ETAC

            21                    TINKER

            22                    MCLELLAN

            23                    USC

            151                   USC-TIP

            152                   GWC

                                                                [Page 2]

Network Working Group                                         Jon Postel
Request for Comments: #229                                    22 September 71

          Site                  Standard Name
          ----                  -------------
            25                    NCAR

            153                   NCAR-TIP

            158                   BBN-TIP

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
       [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
       [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]

                                                                [Page 3]


 RFC 1〜100  RFC 1401〜1500  RFC 2801〜2900  RFC 4201〜4300 
 RFC 101〜200  RFC 1501〜1600  RFC 2901〜3000  RFC 4301〜4400 
 RFC 201〜300  RFC 1601〜1700  RFC 3001〜3100  RFC 4401〜4500 
 RFC 301〜400  RFC 1701〜1800  RFC 3101〜3200  RFC 4501〜4600 
 RFC 401〜500  RFC 1801〜1900  RFC 3201〜3300  RFC 4601〜4700 
 RFC 501〜600  RFC 1901〜2000  RFC 3301〜3400  RFC 4701〜4800 
 RFC 601〜700  RFC 2001〜2100  RFC 3401〜3500  RFC 4801〜4900 
 RFC 701〜800  RFC 2101〜2200  RFC 3501〜3600  RFC 4901〜5000 
 RFC 801〜900  RFC 2201〜2300  RFC 3601〜3700  RFC 5001〜5100 
 RFC 901〜1000  RFC 2301〜2400  RFC 3701〜3800  RFC 5101〜5200 
 RFC 1001〜1100  RFC 2401〜2500  RFC 3801〜3900  RFC 5201〜5300 
 RFC 1101〜1200  RFC 2501〜2600  RFC 3901〜4000  RFC 5301〜5400 
 RFC 1201〜1300  RFC 2601〜2700  RFC 4001〜4100  RFC 5401〜5500 
 RFC 1301〜1400  RFC 2701〜2800  RFC 4101〜4200 


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