WindowsでRuby on Railsサーバ構築 (Mongrel編)
[参考記事] Mongrelのインストール
[参考記事] サーバ構築 (WEBrick編)
[参考記事] Railsをクリックだけで起動する方法
Mongrelではサービスとして実行するためのgemパッケージ『 mongrel_service 』が用意されています。
gem install mongrel_service
C:\>gem install mongrel_service
Successfully installed win32-service-0.5.2-x86-mswin32
Successfully installed mongrel_service-0.3.4-x86-mswin32
2 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for win32-service-0.5.2-x86-mswin32...
Installing ri documentation for mongrel_service-0.3.4-x86-mswin32...
Installing RDoc documentation for win32-service-0.5.2-x86-mswin32...
Installing RDoc documentation for mongrel_service-0.3.4-x86-mswin32...
mongrel_rails service::install -N "【サービス名】" -c 【railsのパス】 -p 【ポート番号】 -e 【作動環境】
C:\>mongrel_rails service::install -N "rails_app" -c C:\workspace\rails -p 80 -e production
** Copying native mongrel_service executable...
Mongrel service 'rails_app' installed as 'rails_app'.
mongrel_rails service::remove -N "【サービス名】"
C:\>mongrel_rails service::remove -N "rails_app"
rails_app service removed.
C:\>mongrel_rails Usage: mongrel_rails <command> [options] Available commands are: - restart - start - stop - service::install - service::remove Each command takes -h as an option to get help.
C:\>mongrel_rails restart -h Usage: mongrel_rails <command> [options] -c, --chdir PATH Change to dir before starting (will be expanded) -s, --soft Do a soft restart rather than a process exit restart -P, --pid FILE Where the PID file is located -h, --help Show this message --version Show version C:\>mongrel_rails start -h Usage: mongrel_rails <command> [options] -e, --environment ENV Rails environment to run as -d, --daemonize Run daemonized in the background -p, --port PORT Which port to bind to -a, --address ADDR Address to bind to -l, --log FILE Where to write log messages -P, --pid FILE Where to write the PID -n, --num-processors INT Number of processors active before clientsdenied -o, --timeout TIME Time to wait (in seconds) before killing astalled thread -t, --throttle TIME Time to pause (in hundredths of a second) between accepting clients -m, --mime PATH A YAML file that lists additional MIME types -c, --chdir PATH Change to dir before starting (will be expanded) -r, --root PATH Set the document root (default 'public') -B, --debug Enable debugging mode -C, --config PATH Use a config file -S, --script PATH Load the given file as an extra config script -G, --generate PATH Generate a config file for use with -C --user USER User to run as --group GROUP Group to run as --prefix PATH URL prefix for Rails app -h, --help Show this message --version Show version
C:\>mongrel_rails stop -h Usage: mongrel_rails <command> [options] -c, --chdir PATH Change to dir before starting (will be expanded). -f, --force Force the shutdown (kill -9). -w, --wait SECONDS Wait SECONDS before forcing shutdown -P, --pid FILE Where the PID file is located. -h, --help Show this message --version Show version
C:\>mongrel_rails service::install -h Usage: mongrel_rails <command> [options] -N, --name SVC_NAME Required name for the service to be registered/installed. -D, --display SVC_DISPLAY Adjust the display name of the service. -e, --environment ENV Rails environment to run as -p, --port PORT Which port to bind to -a, --address ADDR Address to bind to -l, --log FILE Where to write log messages -P, --pid FILE Where to write the PID -n, --num-procs INT Number of processors active before clientsdenied -t, --timeout TIME Timeout all requests after 100th seconds time -m, --mime PATH A YAML file that lists additional MIME types -c, --chdir PATH Change to dir before starting (will be expanded) -r, --root PATH Set the document root (default 'public') -B, --debug Enable debugging mode -C, --config PATH Use a config file -S, --script PATH Load the given file as an extra config script. --prefix PATH URL prefix for Rails app -h, --help Show this message --version Show version
C:\>mongrel_rails service::remove -h Usage: mongrel_rails <command> [options] -N, --name SVC_NAME Required name for the service to be registered/installed. -h, --help Show this message --version Show version
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- WindowsでRuby on Railsサーバ構築 (WEBrick編)
- Ruby on Railsをクリックだけで起動する方法
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- WEBrick互換の軽量WebサーバMongrel
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