RFC249 Coordination of equipment and supplies purchase

0249 Coordination of equipment and supplies purchase. R.F. Borelli. October 1971. (Format: TXT=4561 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)



                                                       NIC 7690
Network Working Group                                  R. F. Borelli
Request for Comments #249                              University of Illinois
                                                       Center for Advanced
                                                       October 8, 1971

              Coordination of Equipment and Supplies Purchase

        The purpose of this message is to pass on to all members of the
   Network an agreement reached between Messrs. Steve Crocker of ARPA and
   R. F. Borelli of the University of Illinois.  The Center for Advanced
   Computation has agreed to study the feasibility of a coordinating point
   for purchases of equipment and supplies to be used on the network.

        To this end, the Center will compile a list of common equipment and
   supplies needed by Network members and ascertain the value of contacting
   the appropriate manufacturers and distributers in order to negotiate the
   best possible group price.  Thereafter, the results of the negotiations
   will be passed on to Network members with a resulting listing of items,
   costs and supplies.

        The two biggest pitfalls with this concept are:
             1.  Insufficient demand for commonly required items.
             2.  Not satisfying each organization's administrative
                 requirements for competitive bidding on items
                 which are not sole-source justified.

        At this time, it appears to be premature to allow this to stop the
   idea.  After the listing of items and range of sources are collected and
   analyzed, these two points can be addressed.  In fact, this project may
   have to be abandoned; however, there are sufficient reasons to believe
   that these problems can be overcome to make the venture workable.

       We request that all members of the Network forward to the Center,
   ATTN. R. F. Borelli, a descriptive listing of equipment and supplies
   they require in this fiscal year.  Particular attention must be paid to
   listing all the acceptable alternates to increase the changes of
   commonality.  For example: TI-725 terminals could be considered a
   substitute for Teleterms 1030's, etc.  The only items excluded at this
   time are 2400 ft. Magnetic Computer Tapes, tabulating cards, and
   conventional computer printer paper.  Any added suggestions or ideas are
   both encouraged and welcomed.

        A sample format of information is attached.

                                                                [Page 1]

          Sample Format of Information Requirement is as Follows:
   Quantity      Description and Special Needs      Mfgr.           Cost
   --------      -----------------------------      -----       -----------

       3         Remote Terminals                 Texas Instr.  $4,200.00 @
                 Model TI-725 with upper and            or
                  lower case                      Teleterms

   100 rolls/mo  Electro Static Printer Paper      Gould        $10.00/roll

   Requested by:

                     University of Illinois
                     Center for Advanced Computation
                     Urbana, Illinois  61801
                     Telephone:  (217) 333-6375

   A listing of items not intended as all-inclusive are:

       1.  Gould Electrostatic Printers and printer paper.
       2.  Computek graphics terminals.
       3.  ARDS graphics terminals.
       4.  CRT alphanumeric terminals (Hazeltine, Datapoint, DEC, etc.).
       5.  Hard-copy portable terminals (TI-725, Teleterm 1030, NCR etc.).
       6.  Teletype (ASR and KSR-33, 35 and 37)
       7.  Plasma panels.
       8.  Plotters (CalComp, Bendix, Calma, etc.).
       9.  Digitizers and scanners.
      10.  Computers (PDP-11, PDP-10).
      11.  Computer peripherals (TU-56, TC-11, etc.).
      12.  IMLAC's.

         [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
         [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
         [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                   12/96   ]

                                                                [Page 2]


 RFC 1〜100  RFC 1401〜1500  RFC 2801〜2900  RFC 4201〜4300 
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 RFC 701〜800  RFC 2101〜2200  RFC 3501〜3600  RFC 4901〜5000 
 RFC 801〜900  RFC 2201〜2300  RFC 3601〜3700  RFC 5001〜5100 
 RFC 901〜1000  RFC 2301〜2400  RFC 3701〜3800  RFC 5101〜5200 
 RFC 1001〜1100  RFC 2401〜2500  RFC 3801〜3900  RFC 5201〜5300 
 RFC 1101〜1200  RFC 2501〜2600  RFC 3901〜4000  RFC 5301〜5400 
 RFC 1201〜1300  RFC 2601〜2700  RFC 4001〜4100  RFC 5401〜5500 
 RFC 1301〜1400  RFC 2701〜2800  RFC 4101〜4200 



