Zlibパッケージをインストールすると、各種プログラムで使用できる圧縮・伸張 (解凍) を行う関数が使えます。
wget http://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz
md5sum zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz
tar zxvf zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src cd /usr/local/src/zlib-1.2.3/
使用したい設定にあわせてconfigureオプションを指定し、makeでビルド、make installで実行します。
make clean ./configure --shared --libdir=/lib make make install
./configure -s
- libz.a
- libz.so
(C) 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Frequently Asked Questions about zlib If your question is not there, please check the zlib home page http://www.zlib.org which may have more recent information. The lastest zlib FAQ is at http://www.gzip.org/zlib/zlib_faq.html 1. Is zlib Y2K-compliant? Yes. zlib doesn't handle dates. 2. Where can I get a Windows DLL version? The zlib sources can be compiled without change to produce a DLL. See the file win32/DLL_FAQ.txt in the zlib distribution. Pointers to the precompiled DLL are found in the zlib web site at http://www.zlib.org. 3. Where can I get a Visual Basic interface to zlib? See * http://www.dogma.net/markn/articles/zlibtool/zlibtool.htm * contrib/visual-basic.txt in the zlib distribution * win32/DLL_FAQ.txt in the zlib distribution 4. compress() returns Z_BUF_ERROR. Make sure that before the call of compress, the length of the compressed buffer is equal to the total size of the compressed buffer and not zero. For Visual Basic, check that this parameter is passed by reference ("as any"), not by value ("as long"). 5. deflate() or inflate() returns Z_BUF_ERROR. Before making the call, make sure that avail_in and avail_out are not zero. When setting the parameter flush equal to Z_FINISH, also make sure that avail_out is big enough to allow processing all pending input. Note that a Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal--another call to deflate() or inflate() can be made with more input or output space. A Z_BUF_ERROR may in fact be unavoidable depending on how the functions are used, since it is not possible to tell whether or not there is more output pending when strm.avail_out returns with zero. 6. Where's the zlib documentation (man pages, etc.)? It's in zlib.h for the moment, and Francis S. Lin has converted it to a web page zlib.html. Volunteers to transform this to Unix-style man pages, please contact us (zlib@gzip.org). Examples of zlib usage are in the files example.c and minigzip.c. 7. Why don't you use GNU autoconf or libtool or ...? Because we would like to keep zlib as a very small and simple package. zlib is rather portable and doesn't need much configuration. 8. I found a bug in zlib. Most of the time, such problems are due to an incorrect usage of zlib. Please try to reproduce the problem with a small program and send the corresponding source to us at zlib@gzip.org . Do not send multi-megabyte data files without prior agreement. 9. Why do I get "undefined reference to gzputc"? If "make test" produces something like example.o(.text+0x154): undefined reference to `gzputc' check that you don't have old files libz.* in /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib or /usr/X11R6/lib. Remove any old versions, then do "make install". 10. I need a Delphi interface to zlib. See the contrib/delphi directory in the zlib distribution. 11. Can zlib handle .zip archives? Not by itself, no. See the directory contrib/minizip in the zlib distribution. 12. Can zlib handle .Z files? No, sorry. You have to spawn an uncompress or gunzip subprocess, or adapt the code of uncompress on your own. 13. How can I make a Unix shared library? make clean ./configure -s make 14. How do I install a shared zlib library on Unix? After the above, then: make install However, many flavors of Unix come with a shared zlib already installed. Before going to the trouble of compiling a shared version of zlib and trying to install it, you may want to check if it's already there! If you can #include <zlib.h>, it's there. The -lz option will probably link to it. 15. I have a question about OttoPDF. We are not the authors of OttoPDF. The real author is on the OttoPDF web site: Joel Hainley, jhainley@myndkryme.com. 16. Can zlib decode Flate data in an Adobe PDF file? Yes. See http://www.fastio.com/ (ClibPDF), or http://www.pdflib.com/ . To modify PDF forms, see http://sourceforge.net/projects/acroformtool/ . 17. Why am I getting this "register_frame_info not found" error on Solaris? After installing zlib 1.1.4 on Solaris 2.6, running applications using zlib generates an error such as: ld.so.1: rpm: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/lib/libz.so: symbol __register_frame_info: referenced symbol not found The symbol __register_frame_info is not part of zlib, it is generated by the C compiler (cc or gcc). You must recompile applications using zlib which have this problem. This problem is specific to Solaris. See http://www.sunfreeware.com for Solaris versions of zlib and applications using zlib. 18. Why does gzip give an error on a file I make with compress/deflate? The compress and deflate functions produce data in the zlib format, which is different and incompatible with the gzip format. The gz* functions in zlib on the other hand use the gzip format. Both the zlib and gzip formats use the same compressed data format internally, but have different headers and trailers around the compressed data. 19. Ok, so why are there two different formats? The gzip format was designed to retain the directory information about a single file, such as the name and last modification date. The zlib format on the other hand was designed for in-memory and communication channel applications, and has a much more compact header and trailer and uses a faster integrity check than gzip. 20. Well that's nice, but how do I make a gzip file in memory? You can request that deflate write the gzip format instead of the zlib format using deflateInit2(). You can also request that inflate decode the gzip format using inflateInit2(). Read zlib.h for more details. 21. Is zlib thread-safe? Yes. However any library routines that zlib uses and any application- provided memory allocation routines must also be thread-safe. zlib's gz* functions use stdio library routines, and most of zlib's functions use the library memory allocation routines by default. zlib's Init functions allow for the application to provide custom memory allocation routines. Of course, you should only operate on any given zlib or gzip stream from a single thread at a time. 22. Can I use zlib in my commercial application? Yes. Please read the license in zlib.h. 23. Is zlib under the GNU license? No. Please read the license in zlib.h. 24. The license says that altered source versions must be "plainly marked". So what exactly do I need to do to meet that requirement? You need to change the ZLIB_VERSION and ZLIB_VERNUM #defines in zlib.h. In particular, the final version number needs to be changed to "f", and an identification string should be appended to ZLIB_VERSION. Version numbers x.x.x.f are reserved for modifications to zlib by others than the zlib maintainers. For example, if the version of the base zlib you are altering is "", then in zlib.h you should change ZLIB_VERNUM to 0x123f, and ZLIB_VERSION to something like "1.2.3.f-zachary-mods-v3". You can also update the version strings in deflate.c and inftrees.c. For altered source distributions, you should also note the origin and nature of the changes in zlib.h, as well as in ChangeLog and README, along with the dates of the alterations. The origin should include at least your name (or your company's name), and an email address to contact for help or issues with the library. Note that distributing a compiled zlib library along with zlib.h and zconf.h is also a source distribution, and so you should change ZLIB_VERSION and ZLIB_VERNUM and note the origin and nature of the changes in zlib.h as you would for a full source distribution. 25. Will zlib work on a big-endian or little-endian architecture, and can I exchange compressed data between them? Yes and yes. 26. Will zlib work on a 64-bit machine? It should. It has been tested on 64-bit machines, and has no dependence on any data types being limited to 32-bits in length. If you have any difficulties, please provide a complete problem report to zlib@gzip.org 27. Will zlib decompress data from the PKWare Data Compression Library? No. The PKWare DCL uses a completely different compressed data format than does PKZIP and zlib. However, you can look in zlib's contrib/blast directory for a possible solution to your problem. 28. Can I access data randomly in a compressed stream? No, not without some preparation. If when compressing you periodically use Z_FULL_FLUSH, carefully write all the pending data at those points, and keep an index of those locations, then you can start decompression at those points. You have to be careful to not use Z_FULL_FLUSH too often, since it can significantly degrade compression. 29. Does zlib work on MVS, OS/390, CICS, etc.? We don't know for sure. We have heard occasional reports of success on these systems. If you do use it on one of these, please provide us with a report, instructions, and patches that we can reference when we get these questions. Thanks. 30. Is there some simpler, easier to read version of inflate I can look at to understand the deflate format? First off, you should read RFC 1951. Second, yes. Look in zlib's contrib/puff directory. 31. Does zlib infringe on any patents? As far as we know, no. In fact, that was originally the whole point behind zlib. Look here for some more information: http://www.gzip.org/#faq11 32. Can zlib work with greater than 4 GB of data? Yes. inflate() and deflate() will process any amount of data correctly. Each call of inflate() or deflate() is limited to input and output chunks of the maximum value that can be stored in the compiler's "unsigned int" type, but there is no limit to the number of chunks. Note however that the strm.total_in and strm_total_out counters may be limited to 4 GB. These counters are provided as a convenience and are not used internally by inflate() or deflate(). The application can easily set up its own counters updated after each call of inflate() or deflate() to count beyond 4 GB. compress() and uncompress() may be limited to 4 GB, since they operate in a single call. gzseek() and gztell() may be limited to 4 GB depending on how zlib is compiled. See the zlibCompileFlags() function in zlib.h. The word "may" appears several times above since there is a 4 GB limit only if the compiler's "long" type is 32 bits. If the compiler's "long" type is 64 bits, then the limit is 16 exabytes. 33. Does zlib have any security vulnerabilities? The only one that we are aware of is potentially in gzprintf(). If zlib is compiled to use sprintf() or vsprintf(), then there is no protection against a buffer overflow of a 4K string space, other than the caller of gzprintf() assuring that the output will not exceed 4K. On the other hand, if zlib is compiled to use snprintf() or vsnprintf(), which should normally be the case, then there is no vulnerability. The ./configure script will display warnings if an insecure variation of sprintf() will be used by gzprintf(). Also the zlibCompileFlags() function will return information on what variant of sprintf() is used by gzprintf(). If you don't have snprintf() or vsnprintf() and would like one, you can find a portable implementation here: http://www.ijs.si/software/snprintf/ Note that you should be using the most recent version of zlib. Versions 1.1.3 and before were subject to a double-free vulnerability. 34. Is there a Java version of zlib? Probably what you want is to use zlib in Java. zlib is already included as part of the Java SDK in the java.util.zip package. If you really want a version of zlib written in the Java language, look on the zlib home page for links: http://www.zlib.org/ 35. I get this or that compiler or source-code scanner warning when I crank it up to maximally-pedantic. Can't you guys write proper code? Many years ago, we gave up attempting to avoid warnings on every compiler in the universe. It just got to be a waste of time, and some compilers were downright silly. So now, we simply make sure that the code always works. 36. Valgrind (or some similar memory access checker) says that deflate is performing a conditional jump that depends on an uninitialized value. Isn't that a bug? No. That is intentional for performance reasons, and the output of deflate is not affected. This only started showing up recently since zlib 1.2.x uses malloc() by default for allocations, whereas earlier versions used calloc(), which zeros out the allocated memory. 37. Will zlib read the (insert any ancient or arcane format here) compressed data format? Probably not. Look in the comp.compression FAQ for pointers to various formats and associated software. 38. How can I encrypt/decrypt zip files with zlib? zlib doesn't support encryption. The original PKZIP encryption is very weak and can be broken with freely available programs. To get strong encryption, use GnuPG, http://www.gnupg.org/ , which already includes zlib compression. For PKZIP compatible "encryption", look at http://www.info-zip.org/ 39. What's the difference between the "gzip" and "deflate" HTTP 1.1 encodings? "gzip" is the gzip format, and "deflate" is the zlib format. They should probably have called the second one "zlib" instead to avoid confusion with the raw deflate compressed data format. While the HTTP 1.1 RFC 2616 correctly points to the zlib specification in RFC 1950 for the "deflate" transfer encoding, there have been reports of servers and browsers that incorrectly produce or expect raw deflate data per the deflate specficiation in RFC 1951, most notably Microsoft. So even though the "deflate" transfer encoding using the zlib format would be the more efficient approach (and in fact exactly what the zlib format was designed for), using the "gzip" transfer encoding is probably more reliable due to an unfortunate choice of name on the part of the HTTP 1.1 authors. Bottom line: use the gzip format for HTTP 1.1 encoding. 40. Does zlib support the new "Deflate64" format introduced by PKWare? No. PKWare has apparently decided to keep that format proprietary, since they have not documented it as they have previous compression formats. In any case, the compression improvements are so modest compared to other more modern approaches, that it's not worth the effort to implement. 41. Can you please sign these lengthy legal documents and fax them back to us so that we can use your software in our product? No. Go away. Shoo.
Frequently Asked Questions about ZLIB1.DLL This document describes the design, the rationale, and the usage of the official DLL build of zlib, named ZLIB1.DLL. If you have general questions about zlib, you should see the file "FAQ" found in the zlib distribution, or at the following location: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/zlib_faq.html 1. What is ZLIB1.DLL, and how can I get it? - ZLIB1.DLL is the official build of zlib as a DLL. (Please remark the character '1' in the name.) Pointers to a precompiled ZLIB1.DLL can be found in the zlib web site at: http://www.zlib.org/ Applications that link to ZLIB1.DLL can rely on the following specification: * The exported symbols are exclusively defined in the source files "zlib.h" and "zlib.def", found in an official zlib source distribution. * The symbols are exported by name, not by ordinal. * The exported names are undecorated. * The calling convention of functions is "C" (CDECL). * The ZLIB1.DLL binary is linked to MSVCRT.DLL. The archive in which ZLIB1.DLL is bundled contains compiled test programs that must run with a valid build of ZLIB1.DLL. It is recommended to download the prebuilt DLL from the zlib web site, instead of building it yourself, to avoid potential incompatibilities that could be introduced by your compiler and build settings. If you do build the DLL yourself, please make sure that it complies with all the above requirements, and it runs with the precompiled test programs, bundled with the original ZLIB1.DLL distribution. If, for any reason, you need to build an incompatible DLL, please use a different file name. 2. Why did you change the name of the DLL to ZLIB1.DLL? What happened to the old ZLIB.DLL? - The old ZLIB.DLL, built from zlib-1.1.4 or earlier, required compilation settings that were incompatible to those used by a static build. The DLL settings were supposed to be enabled by defining the macro ZLIB_DLL, before including "zlib.h". Incorrect handling of this macro was silently accepted at build time, resulting in two major problems: * ZLIB_DLL was missing from the old makefile. When building the DLL, not all people added it to the build options. In consequence, incompatible incarnations of ZLIB.DLL started to circulate around the net. * When switching from using the static library to using the DLL, applications had to define the ZLIB_DLL macro and to recompile all the sources that contained calls to zlib functions. Failure to do so resulted in creating binaries that were unable to run with the official ZLIB.DLL build. The only possible solution that we could foresee was to make a binary-incompatible change in the DLL interface, in order to remove the dependency on the ZLIB_DLL macro, and to release the new DLL under a different name. We chose the name ZLIB1.DLL, where '1' indicates the major zlib version number. We hope that we will not have to break the binary compatibility again, at least not as long as the zlib-1.x series will last. There is still a ZLIB_DLL macro, that can trigger a more efficient build and use of the DLL, but compatibility no longer dependents on it. 3. Can I build ZLIB.DLL from the new zlib sources, and replace an old ZLIB.DLL, that was built from zlib-1.1.4 or earlier? - In principle, you can do it by assigning calling convention keywords to the macros ZEXPORT and ZEXPORTVA. In practice, it depends on what you mean by "an old ZLIB.DLL", because the old DLL exists in several mutually-incompatible versions. You have to find out first what kind of calling convention is being used in your particular ZLIB.DLL build, and to use the same one in the new build. If you don't know what this is all about, you might be better off if you would just leave the old DLL intact. 4. Can I compile my application using the new zlib interface, and link it to an old ZLIB.DLL, that was built from zlib-1.1.4 or earlier? - The official answer is "no"; the real answer depends again on what kind of ZLIB.DLL you have. Even if you are lucky, this course of action is unreliable. If you rebuild your application and you intend to use a newer version of zlib (post- 1.1.4), it is strongly recommended to link it to the new ZLIB1.DLL. 5. Why are the zlib symbols exported by name, and not by ordinal? - Although exporting symbols by ordinal is a little faster, it is risky. Any single glitch in the maintenance or use of the DEF file that contains the ordinals can result in incompatible builds and frustrating crashes. Simply put, the benefits of exporting symbols by ordinal do not justify the risks. Technically, it should be possible to maintain ordinals in the DEF file, and still export the symbols by name. Ordinals exist in every DLL, and even if the dynamic linking performed at the DLL startup is searching for names, ordinals serve as hints, for a faster name lookup. However, if the DEF file contains ordinals, the Microsoft linker automatically builds an implib that will cause the executables linked to it to use those ordinals, and not the names. It is interesting to notice that the GNU linker for Win32 does not suffer from this problem. It is possible to avoid the DEF file if the exported symbols are accompanied by a "__declspec(dllexport)" attribute in the source files. You can do this in zlib by predefining the ZLIB_DLL macro. 6. I see that the ZLIB1.DLL functions use the "C" (CDECL) calling convention. Why not use the STDCALL convention? STDCALL is the standard convention in Win32, and I need it in my Visual Basic project! (For readability, we use CDECL to refer to the convention triggered by the "__cdecl" keyword, STDCALL to refer to the convention triggered by "__stdcall", and FASTCALL to refer to the convention triggered by "__fastcall".) - Most of the native Windows API functions (without varargs) use indeed the WINAPI convention (which translates to STDCALL in Win32), but the standard C functions use CDECL. If a user application is intrinsically tied to the Windows API (e.g. it calls native Windows API functions such as CreateFile()), sometimes it makes sense to decorate its own functions with WINAPI. But if ANSI C or POSIX portability is a goal (e.g. it calls standard C functions such as fopen()), it is not a sound decision to request the inclusion of <windows.h>, or to use non-ANSI constructs, for the sole purpose to make the user functions STDCALL-able. The functionality offered by zlib is not in the category of "Windows functionality", but is more like "C functionality". Technically, STDCALL is not bad; in fact, it is slightly faster than CDECL, and it works with variable-argument functions, just like CDECL. It is unfortunate that, in spite of using STDCALL in the Windows API, it is not the default convention used by the C compilers that run under Windows. The roots of the problem reside deep inside the unsafety of the K&R-style function prototypes, where the argument types are not specified; but that is another story for another day. The remaining fact is that CDECL is the default convention. Even if an explicit convention is hard-coded into the function prototypes inside C headers, problems may appear. The necessity to expose the convention in users' callbacks is one of these problems. The calling convention issues are also important when using zlib in other programming languages. Some of them, like Ada (GNAT) and Fortran (GNU G77), have C bindings implemented initially on Unix, and relying on the C calling convention. On the other hand, the pre- .NET versions of Microsoft Visual Basic require STDCALL, while Borland Delphi prefers, although it does not require, FASTCALL. In fairness to all possible uses of zlib outside the C programming language, we choose the default "C" convention. Anyone interested in different bindings or conventions is encouraged to maintain specialized projects. The "contrib/" directory from the zlib distribution already holds a couple of foreign bindings, such as Ada, C++, and Delphi. 7. I need a DLL for my Visual Basic project. What can I do? - Define the ZLIB_WINAPI macro before including "zlib.h", when building both the DLL and the user application (except that you don't need to define anything when using the DLL in Visual Basic). The ZLIB_WINAPI macro will switch on the WINAPI (STDCALL) convention. The name of this DLL must be different than the official ZLIB1.DLL. Gilles Vollant has contributed a build named ZLIBWAPI.DLL, with the ZLIB_WINAPI macro turned on, and with the minizip functionality built in. For more information, please read the notes inside "contrib/vstudio/readme.txt", found in the zlib distribution. 8. I need to use zlib in my Microsoft .NET project. What can I do? - Henrik Ravn has contributed a .NET wrapper around zlib. Look into contrib/dotzlib/, inside the zlib distribution. 9. If my application uses ZLIB1.DLL, should I link it to MSVCRT.DLL? Why? - It is not required, but it is recommended to link your application to MSVCRT.DLL, if it uses ZLIB1.DLL. The executables (.EXE, .DLL, etc.) that are involved in the same process and are using the C run-time library (i.e. they are calling standard C functions), must link to the same library. There are several libraries in the Win32 system: CRTDLL.DLL, MSVCRT.DLL, the static C libraries, etc. Since ZLIB1.DLL is linked to MSVCRT.DLL, the executables that depend on it should also be linked to MSVCRT.DLL. 10. Why are you saying that ZLIB1.DLL and my application should be linked to the same C run-time (CRT) library? I linked my application and my DLLs to different C libraries (e.g. my application to a static library, and my DLLs to MSVCRT.DLL), and everything works fine. - If a user library invokes only pure Win32 API (accessible via <windows.h> and the related headers), its DLL build will work in any context. But if this library invokes standard C API, things get more complicated. There is a single Win32 library in a Win32 system. Every function in this library resides in a single DLL module, that is safe to call from anywhere. On the other hand, there are multiple versions of the C library, and each of them has its own separate internal state. Standalone executables and user DLLs that call standard C functions must link to a C run-time (CRT) library, be it static or shared (DLL). Intermixing occurs when an executable (not necessarily standalone) and a DLL are linked to different CRTs, and both are running in the same process. Intermixing multiple CRTs is possible, as long as their internal states are kept intact. The Microsoft Knowledge Base articles KB94248 "HOWTO: Use the C Run-Time" and KB140584 "HOWTO: Link with the Correct C Run-Time (CRT) Library" mention the potential problems raised by intermixing. If intermixing works for you, it's because your application and DLLs are avoiding the corruption of each of the CRTs' internal states, maybe by careful design, or maybe by fortune. Also note that linking ZLIB1.DLL to non-Microsoft CRTs, such as those provided by Borland, raises similar problems. 11. Why are you linking ZLIB1.DLL to MSVCRT.DLL? - MSVCRT.DLL exists on every Windows 95 with a new service pack installed, or with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later, and on all other Windows 4.x or later (Windows 98, Windows NT 4, or later). It is freely distributable; if not present in the system, it can be downloaded from Microsoft or from other software provider for free. The fact that MSVCRT.DLL does not exist on a virgin Windows 95 is not so problematic. Windows 95 is scarcely found nowadays, Microsoft ended its support a long time ago, and many recent applications from various vendors, including Microsoft, do not even run on it. Furthermore, no serious user should run Windows 95 without a proper update installed. 12. Why are you not linking ZLIB1.DLL to <<my favorite C run-time library>> ? - We considered and abandoned the following alternatives: * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to a static C library (LIBC.LIB, or LIBCMT.LIB) is not a good option. People are using the DLL mainly to save disk space. If you are linking your program to a static C library, you may as well consider linking zlib in statically, too. * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to CRTDLL.DLL looks appealing, because CRTDLL.DLL is present on every Win32 installation. Unfortunately, it has a series of problems: it does not work properly with Microsoft's C++ libraries, it does not provide support for 64-bit file offsets, (and so on...), and Microsoft discontinued its support a long time ago. * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to MSVCR70.DLL or MSVCR71.DLL, supplied with the Microsoft .NET platform, and Visual C++ 7.0/7.1, raises problems related to the status of ZLIB1.DLL as a system component. According to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB326922 "INFO: Redistribution of the Shared C Runtime Component in Visual C++ .NET", MSVCR70.DLL and MSVCR71.DLL are not supposed to function as system DLLs, because they may clash with MSVCRT.DLL. Instead, the application's installer is supposed to put these DLLs (if needed) in the application's private directory. If ZLIB1.DLL depends on a non-system runtime, it cannot function as a redistributable system component. * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to non-Microsoft runtimes, such as Borland's, or Cygwin's, raises problems related to the reliable presence of these runtimes on Win32 systems. It's easier to let the DLL build of zlib up to the people who distribute these runtimes, and who may proceed as explained in the answer to Question 14. 13. If ZLIB1.DLL cannot be linked to MSVCR70.DLL or MSVCR71.DLL, how can I build/use ZLIB1.DLL in Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0 (Visual Studio .NET) or newer? - Due to the problems explained in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB326922 (see the previous answer), the C runtime that comes with the VC7 environment is no longer considered a system component. That is, it should not be assumed that this runtime exists, or may be installed in a system directory. Since ZLIB1.DLL is supposed to be a system component, it may not depend on a non-system component. In order to link ZLIB1.DLL and your application to MSVCRT.DLL in VC7, you need the library of Visual C++ 6.0 or older. If you don't have this library at hand, it's probably best not to use ZLIB1.DLL. We are hoping that, in the future, Microsoft will provide a way to build applications linked to a proper system runtime, from the Visual C++ environment. Until then, you have a couple of alternatives, such as linking zlib in statically. If your application requires dynamic linking, you may proceed as explained in the answer to Question 14. 14. I need to link my own DLL build to a CRT different than MSVCRT.DLL. What can I do? - Feel free to rebuild the DLL from the zlib sources, and link it the way you want. You should, however, clearly state that your build is unofficial. You should give it a different file name, and/or install it in a private directory that can be accessed by your application only, and is not visible to the others (e.g. it's not in the SYSTEM or the SYSTEM32 directory, and it's not in the PATH). Otherwise, your build may clash with applications that link to the official build. For example, in Cygwin, zlib is linked to the Cygwin runtime CYGWIN1.DLL, and it is distributed under the name CYGZ.DLL. 15. May I include additional pieces of code that I find useful, link them in ZLIB1.DLL, and export them? - No. A legitimate build of ZLIB1.DLL must not include code that does not originate from the official zlib source code. But you can make your own private DLL build, under a different file name, as suggested in the previous answer. For example, zlib is a part of the VCL library, distributed with Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. The DLL build of VCL is a redistributable file, named VCLxx.DLL. 16. May I remove some functionality out of ZLIB1.DLL, by enabling macros like NO_GZCOMPRESS or NO_GZIP at compile time? - No. A legitimate build of ZLIB1.DLL must provide the complete zlib functionality, as implemented in the official zlib source code. But you can make your own private DLL build, under a different file name, as suggested in the previous answer. 17. I made my own ZLIB1.DLL build. Can I test it for compliance? - We prefer that you download the official DLL from the zlib web site. If you need something peculiar from this DLL, you can send your suggestion to the zlib mailing list. However, in case you do rebuild the DLL yourself, you can run it with the test programs found in the DLL distribution. Running these test programs is not a guarantee of compliance, but a failure can imply a detected problem.
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- CentOSでChia Network(XCH)をHDDマイニングする方法
- CentOSにHomeBridgeをインストールする方法
- GnuTLS: The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough).の解決法
- Linux・WindowsでMTUを変更する方法(ジャンボフレーム)
- LinuxでPDFを画像に変換したりテキストを抽出する方法
- Logitec HDDケース(HDD4台用) ガチャベイ LHR-4BNHEU3 LGB-4BNHEU3
- Linuxにffmpegをインストールする方法 CentOS Stream
- SELinuxのpermissiveとdisableの違い
- SELinuxを無効にする方法
- SELinuxの管理で使用するsemanageコマンドをインストールする方法
- LinuxにImageMagickをインストールする方法 CentOS Stream
- Linuxでrarファイルを圧縮・解凍する方法(CentOS)
- NTFSフォーマットのストレージの読み書きが異常に遅い場合
- Linuxで接続されているUSBのバージョンを確認する方法
- Linuxでストレージの型番やシリアルを確認する方法(HDD SSD NVMe)
- CPUやストレージの温度を調べる方法(CPU HDD SSD NVMe)
- CentOS7からCentOS8へのアップグレード
- 各ストレージの速度一覧 規格速度や実効速度(HDD/SSD/M2/NVMe/USBメモリ)
- Poderosa5で「インデックスが配列の境界外です。」と出る場合の対処法(CentOS8 Ubuntu)
- マウントするときに、$MFTMirr does not match $MFT NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware faultのエラーが出る場合
- Sambaで認証パスワードなし(ゲストユーザー)でアクセスする方法
- Amazon Linux2をローカルのVirtualBoxで起動する方法
- VirtualBox Interfaceが起動していてシャットダウンができないとき
- Gitを自動的にpullする方法(常に最新の状態にする)
- Gitの最新版をインストールする方法(CentOS7に2系をインストール)
- SSHで初めて接続するホストで、接続するかどうかyes/noを聞かれないようにする
- HPのパソコンでVirtualBoxが起動しない(HP ProtectTools Security Manager)
- yumのius(iuscommunity.org)でエラーが出る場合
- iusリポジトリで公開されているパッケージの一覧
- GoogleChromeでSSL接続を強制される設定(HSTS)のキャッシュを消す方法
- phpMyAdminでログイン画面を出さずにデータベースに接続する方法
- さくらサーバ(さくらのレンタルサーバ)でcronを使ってPHPを定時実行する
- php.ini が見つからない時
- PHPでMySQLなどにPDO接続をすると、could not find driverのエラーが出る場合
- ホスト名(ドメイン)をローカルIPに名前解決させる方法(ローカルDNS不要)
- MySQLやMariaDBは標準ではログローテートされない
- SONYのnasneをLinuxにマウントする方法
- 数日おきに設定したcronの実行が1日ずれる理由
- LinuxでNTFS(Windows形式)のフォーマットをする方法
- target is busyやdevice is busyをumountする方法
- /dev/random と /dev/urandom の違い
- 2TBを超えるHDDを増設する方法(パーティション・フォーマット)
- 破損したストレージからのデータ復旧
- HDDやSSDなどのストレージをリスト形式で表示する方法
- blkidコマンドでUUIDが表示されない場合
- HDDやSSDなどのストレージのUUIDを調べる方法
- glibcを更新するとdateコマンドが新元号の令和に対応します
- cron設定ファイルの実体の保存先
- Fail2ban ログを集計して不正アクセスを防ぐ
- mvコマンドの挙動(コピーが完了したものから削除する方法)
- 『Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired』の修復方法
- PostfixサーバからGmailサーバへメールを送信できない場合の対処法
- ImageMagick更新で『PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/modules/imagick.so'』エラーが出る場合
- kernel-develのインストール
- LinuxサーバでWindowsのファイルシステムNTFSを読み込む方法
- 拡張リポジトリEPELを使用する方法(インストール)
- wgetが遅い場合の対処法
- WgetがFTPでダウンロードできない場合
- WgetがSSLでダウンロードできない場合
- Wgetの基本的な使い方など(ユーザーエージェントの設定・POSTデータの送信)
- lsコマンドで秒を表示する方法(タイムスタンプの書式指定)
- PDO_MYSQLをインストールする方法
- PEAR・PECLをインストールする方法
- シェルスクリプトを実行すると『そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません』や『コマンドが見つかりません』と出る場合
- 画面のバックライトを消す方法(モニタ電源を消す) vbetool
- telnetの反応がなくなった時に接続を強制的に切断する方法
- サーバの負荷や使用率などを見るコマンドの一覧
- PHPでロードアベレージを表示させる方法
- Apacheで出力されるログを変更する方法 レスポンスにかかった時間やリファラ、ユーザーエージェントを記録する
- ログをリアルタイムに表示させて監視する方法
- 起動時にネットワークを有効にする方法(eth0を起動する方法)
- IPアドレスを変更する方法
- cron実行時の標準出力のメールを飛ばさない方法(cron実行時に毎回メールを飛ばさない)
- cron実行時のPATHなどの環境変数を確認する方法
- cronのメール送信先を指定する方法(cronごとに送信先のメールアドレスを指定する方法)
- cron実行時に『/bin/sh: 〜〜: command not found』と出てcronが実行されない場合
- 『crontab -r』でcronの設定を間違って消してしまった場合の対処法
- cronを実行すると『TERM environment variable not set.』というエラーメールが飛ぶ
- Apacheから2GB以上のファイルをダウンロードしようとすると403エラーが出ます
- Linux起動時の自動ファイルシステムチェックの間隔を変更する、無効にする方法
- [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence エラー
- yumでupdateするときにconflictsエラーが出る場合 file xxx from install of xxx-jason conflicts with file from package xx.remi
- Gitをyumでインストールする方法
- vsftpdでファイルの所有者をUID(数字)ではなくユーザー名で表示する方法 chrootするとtext_userdb_names=YESできない
- SELinuxが有効になっているサーバではvsftpdのデータ転送が使用できない
- サービスに接続できるユーザー(IP)を制限する Connection closed by foreign host.
- 1枚のNIC(ネットワークカード)に複数のIPアドレスを設定する方法(Linux)
- Apacheを起動するときに、ほかのプロセスによってポートが使用されていた場合
- PEARを更新する方法
- zend_mm_heap corrupted とは
- yum コマンドでTransaction Check Error
- yumを自動で更新チェックする、自動で更新する
- httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
- Apacheをyumでインストールする
- ディレクトリ以下のファイル数、ファイル容量を調べる
- PHPをyumでインストールする
- Linuxでホスト名を変更する方法
- Postfixからpostmaster宛に451Server configuration errorメールが届く
- Postfixの容量制限 (main.cfの設定)
- Debianのインストール
- memcachedのインストール
- Linuxのカーネル情報やディストリビューションを調べるコマンド
- Rubyのインストール
- PostgreSQLのインストール
- PHPのインストール
- Apacheのインストール
- MySQLのインストール
- IPアドレスを調べる
- ファイルを検索するコマンド locate (updatedbの高速化)
- スペシャルファイル
- MergeLog 複数のログファイルを時系列に並べ替える
- CentOS5のインストール
- Another app is currently holding the yum lockとは
- yumで、より新しいパッケージをインストールする方法(CentOS)
- apacheのSSL設定
- Subversionのインストール
- 毎朝午前4時に行われる動作
- /tmpや/var/tmpのファイル消えるタイミング
- ユーザーとグループ
- ログインできるユーザーに変更する
- SSHのインストール
- OpenSSL
- RFC2142で定められた「組織で用意したほうがよいメールアドレス」のガイドライン
- named.local [Bindの設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- localhost.zone [Bindの設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- named.ca [Bindの設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- named.conf [Bindの設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- vsftpd.conf [vsftpd設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- proftpd.conf [Proftpd設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- php.ini [PHP設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- main.cf [Postfix設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- sendmail.mc のデフォルト
- httpd.conf [apache設定ファイル]のデフォルト fedora
- httpd.conf [apache設定ファイル]のデフォルト
- ディレクトリの削除